Tuesday 12 November 2013

[Read] Reading makes my day ~ 100毛

Reading makes my day!



Monday 11 November 2013

[Photo Walk] 那個天色陰暗的下午, 獨自膽粗粗走到永利街

"放假先黎落雨..." - 一個廣告的經典對白...

放了一個星期的假, 每天都是陰陰沉沉的。還好雨沒有哇啦哇啦的下起來, 總算可到街上走走

那天相約了幾個朋友吃晚飯, 趁著見面時間還未到, 就決定拿起相機到著名的香港攝影勝地永利街一趟。永利街出名是源於那齣"歲月神偷", 再加上一連串的清拆與保育的抗爭。這條街現已逐步進行重建, 但政府為保持永利街原來的面貌, 規定新建築物的樓高只是四層。殘舊的建築夾雜在新簇簇的樓房相映成趣, 是現實和過去的融合。新樓房現已有人居住, 還有保安叔叔在街上站岡。當我走上前去照那些新信箱時, 保安叔叔就像逮捕賊仔一樣叫停了我。然後一直從遠處用奇異的目光對我虎視耽耽... 腦袋跳出一個問號 "我似賊仔嗎?"... 其實保安叔叔這麼盡忠職守, 也應該給予一點讚賞的! 

人去留空的唐樓, 見証著時代的變遷。顏色剝落的外場, 破了的玻璃窗, 生鏽的鐵窗框還有廢棄已久的信箱, 這一切都成為歷史的遺跡。週邊的一花一草一物, 都給人一種很強烈而複雜的感覺。以往一直都很欣賞別人拍攝廢墟的作品, 這次到永利街也是想試試拍攝荒廢的地方。的確越古老的東西, 就越想把它一直流傳著。遠攝的時候倒是沒有什麼, 但到了近攝卻十分專注每一個角落。突然想起那些鬼片的橋段, 就是在黑暗的角落出現鬼影或是有什麼東西在荒廢的空屋內向鏡頭揮手... 毛骨開始有點聳然, 心裡埋怨著天怎麼黑得這樣快!!!!????

那天晚上回到家裡感覺怪怪的, 整夜都睡得不好... 第二天還沒有膽子翻看照片, 真的有點怕看見不應該看見的東西 (=_=)"。也許, 膽小的我就是不應該選擇那個日子到那個地方。事實上, 是自己無中生有! sigh... (相片會在一個陽光普照的白天後加上blog的... 說罷, 自己也忍不住笑了...)

Sunday 10 November 2013

[Lifestyle] 三個最喜歡的地方

在不用上班的日子、總愛逛逛書店。Page One 是搜羅英文書的好地方,而誠品有著不同類型的中文書籍。走進書店,心情就在一瞬間愉快起來。平時到書店逛都是沒有目標的,就像是一個exploration。每次遇著不同的書籍,探索某某作者的思潮,這樣也算是一種另類的緣份吧!

Coffee Shop


Saturday 9 November 2013

[Photo Walk] Po Hing Fong, Sheung Wan Hong Kong

I used to walk from Mid-levels to Central or Sheung Wan almost everyday when I was young. After so many years, I decided to go for a photo walk around that area this morning before meeting mom for sushi lunch in Tsim Sha Tsui. Po Hing Fong was the highlight and in fact I was planning to go for a cup of coffee at Cafe Deadend. Anyways, I got off the bus at Ladder Street and started my journey.

A traditional HK-style Coffee Shop right at the top of Ladder Street
And see this endless stairs leading one straight down to Sheung Wan... guess that's why the street named Ladder Street. (It's easy to go down but one walks up here from Sheung Wan, it's just like climbing up a super long ladder.)
Endless stairs on Ladder Street
I turned left on the Caine Lane and there I saw a brick-wall building. It is the Old Pathological Institute. Time was limited this morning and I didn't get a chance to go inside to have a look. Well, next time maybe...
Old Pathological Institute
White flower blossoms on the side of the path
Right next to Old Pathological Institute is Caine Lane Garden. It so happened that the gardener was watering the plants and I got to take a picture of this purple flower with water drops on its petals.
It looks like its sweating...
Children's Playground in Caine Lane Garden

Passing through the garden came to Po Hing Fong at where Cafe Deadend locates. It was only 11 am and there was already a long queue outside the cafe, so I didn't get to have my cup of coffee this time. BUT it's not the end of the day, right at the corner was a very eye-catching bakery, Po's Atelier. There were a selections of bread and pantries in the bakery. My mom loves eating bread, so I bought her 3 different kinds to try. (Mind you, the bread are quite pricey. It costed around $20 something each and the sizes are bit small.) If I ever get a chance to work in such a bakery, I would be a happy bunny. =D
Po's Atelier
Along Po Hing Fong, there are other interesting shops like a trendy home furniture shop, a pet shop, a gallery and even an old carpenter.
Reflection of the yellow tiger truck
The Gallery and Art Restoration

The Carpenter

Home Furniture Shop
From there, I slowly walked to Central and passed by many coffee shops and restaurants. I was so hungry by then and lucky it was almost time to meet up with mom for lunch. While walking, I was thinking where I should go next time.

Monday 4 November 2013

[Lifestyle] Roast Pigeon lunch in Lung Wah Hotel, Shatin

When I was young, my father always took me to have roast pigeons in Shatin. There were a couple of local restaurants that served excellent roast pigeons in that area back then. Most of them have been closed down and Lung Wah Hotel (龍華酒店) apparently is the only famous one left. Lung Wah Hotel was used to be a hotel but nowadays it is just a restaurant and also a tourist spot. The food, however, was quite disappointing and quite pricey nonetheless there were still so many tourists who come all the way to try the renowned roast pigeons out. As for me, I don't think I will go there again and I won't recommend this restaurant to my friends either. Oh well, maybe just go there for a walk or pay a visit to the peacocks.

Old style housing next to the path

A small store selling snacks and beverages

The lantern-decorated path leading to the restaurant

Garden, Lung Wah Hotel

A sedan chair for wedding

Lung Wah Hotel

The famous roast pigeons

[Lifestyle] A visit to Hong Kong University

I had so much fun wandering around Hong Kong University by myself though it was a cloudy day with patchy rains. The buildings there were so beautiful and I felt alive surrounded by those energetic young people.
Fung Ping Shan Building

Entrance to the campus Art Museum

The Bamboo

The Lotus Pond

The Lotus Pond

The Lotus Pond

Bridge to The Lotus Pond

The Main Building, HKU

The Main Building, HKU

The Main Building, HKU

Colorful chairs stacking up outside a hall

The door

Wooden chairs outside Main Building, HKU

The corridor, Main Building, HKU

Classrooms, Main Building, HKU

Main Building, HKU

Friday 1 November 2013

[Lifestyle] Lunch walk - A visit to St John's Cathedral

Garden outside the Cathedral

Green window frames

Lines of chairs by the windows

Light coming through the window

Stained Glass behind the altar

Light through window on the side

Religious vs Commercial